Cremorne Point Apartment is a work of intelligent, restrained design.
-   Jury citation, 2020 Houses Awards

2023 studioplusthree Shortlisted - NSW Architecture Awards - Emerging Architect Prize
2021 studioplusthree Nominated - Dezeen Emerging Architecture Studio of the Year
studioplusthree Winner - Australian Institute of Architects Dulux Study Tour - Simon Rochowski
studioplusthree Stage One Shortlist - National Gallery of Victoria Contemporary (NGVC) Design Competition, with Smart Design Studio and Bates Smart
Nicholson Galleries Highly Commended - Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) - Public Space
Nicholson Galleries Commendation - NSW Architecture Awards - Small Project Architecture
Nicholson Galleries Highly Commended - Museum and Galleries National Awards (MAGNA) - Permanent Exhibition
Nicholson Galleries Shortlisted - Australian Interior Design Awards (AIDA) - Installation Design
Nicholson Galleries Finalist - Dulux Colour Awards - Commercial Interior, Public and Hospitality
2020 Cremorne Point Winner - Houses Awards - Apartment
Cooks River House Shortlisted - Australian Institute of Architects NSW Awards - Residential Alterations + Additions
Cooks River House Shortlisted - Houses Awards - Alteration + Addition over 200m2
studioplusthree Shortlisted - INDE Awards - The Design Studio
2018 studioplusthree Dezeen Awards - Nominated for Emerging Architect of the Year, amongst 20 international practices
studioplusthree Wallpaper* Magazine Architects' Directory of the world's top 20 emerging architecture practices
studioplusthree Shortlisted - Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) - Emerging Designer
studioplusthree Shortlisted - Houses Awards - Emerging Practice
Platform House Shortlisted - Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) - Residential Single
This is a Voice Shortlisted - Australian Interior Design Awards (AIDA) - Installation Design
2017 Ancient Lives Winner - Australian Interior Design Awards (AIDA) - Installation Design
Ancient Lives Finalist - Australian Interior Design Awards (AIDA) - The Premier Award for Australian Interior Design
Ancient Lives Highly Commended - Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) - Event
Ancient Lives Highly Commended - Museum and Galleries National Awards (MAGNA) - Temporary Exhibition
Ancient Lives Commendation - Dulux Colour Awards - Commercial Interior - Public Spaces and Hospitality
Ancient Lives Shortlisted - NSW Architecture Awards - Small Project Architecture
studioplusthree Shortlisted - Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) - Emerging Designer
2016 Warships Exhibition Winner - NSW Architecture Awards - Small Project Architecture
Warships Exhibition Winner - Museum and Galleries NSW IMAGinE - Exhibition Projects: Museums 11+ staff
Warships Exhibition Silver - International Design Communication Awards - Best Scenography: Permanent Collection
Warships Exhibition Highly Commended - Museum and Galleries National Awards (MAGNA) - Permanent Exhibition
Warships Exhibition Shortlisted - Museums and Heritage Awards - International Award
Llewellyn House Commendation - NSW Architecture Awards - Residential Alterations + Additions
Llewellyn House Finalist - Marrickville Medal for Conservation
Llewellyn House Shortlisted - Houses Awards - Alteration and Addition under 200 sqm
Llewellyn House Shortlisted - Australian Interior Design Awards (AIDA) - Residential Design

award winning architecture and design - residential and cultural projects